Uttarakhand Job New Update date- 28/12/2020/संवाद -80


Uttarakhand Job New Update date-  28/12/2020

संवाद -80

उत्तराखंण्ड अधीनस्थ सेवा चयन आयोग  के द्वारा संवाद -80 जारी किया गया।

विषय - आयोग द्वारा दिनांक 19/12/2020 ये  23/12/2020  के मध्य सम्पन्न आनलाइन परीक्षाओं के प्रश्न, उत्तर तथा सही उत्तर (ans key)  का प्रकाशन व प्रकाशन व प्रश्नों/उत्तरों पर चनौती का अवसर

सहायक कृषि अधिकारी वर्ग-3 , अवर अभियंता सिविल , तथा पशुधन प्रसार अधिकारी  व कुछ अन्य पदो .....


अधिक जानकारी के लिए PDF DOWNLOAD करे।      DOWNLOADLINK


  1. This is to inform the general public that The Bill and Melinda Gates

    Foundation,in collaboration with The Asia Foundation are donating the sum of

    $200,000 (Two hundred Thousand Dollars to individuals ,Business owners and

    farmers,students who were infected by this Wuhan Corona Virus and affliction

    called Covid-19 has engulfed our lives in ways that has crippled our individual

    well-being,This Covid-19 Relief package were set up to help business

    owners,farmers, student and individuals during and after the coronavirus

    pandemic,If you want to Be part to receive this offer from Asia Foundation apply

    now,All Applicants should apply with id card to receive this Covid-19 Relief


    Contact Details:

    Email: asiafoundationcovid@gmail.com

    Email: asiafoundationgroup@inbox.lv

    Blogspot: https://covidreliefpackage.blogspot.com/

    Mrs.Jane Sloane
    Senior Director


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